H. I. Maulana Sheikh Mumtaz Ali Murtazavi
E-27, T/F. Hostel Lane, Sewak Park, Dwarka Mode, Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi-110059, INDIA
Mobile: +91 9968014645
Email: mmurtazavi@gmail.com
Prof. S.M. Abbas
31, Noor Nagar Extn. Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025, INDIA
Mobile: +91 9868858887
Email: abbas_sm@hotmail.com
Syed Khurram Zaidi
D-44/A, Rasheed Market Extn,
New Delhi-110051, INDIA
Mobile: +91 9810573969
Email: khurramzaidi68@gmail.com
Prof S.H. Masood
Mobile:+61 423 439 685
Email: syedhm786@gmail.com
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